Whether you choose to ride the objects in the level to avoid dirt, climb along the walls and fly over the dirt and germs, or something else entirely, it’s up to you (unless the game’s physics (or lack thereof in the case of some glitches) have anything to say about it). Become disgusting enough times and you can choose to get through the level without worrying about becoming inedible, but your score will be horrendous – this option is mainly implemented to let you explore the level and discover paths/strategies without the frustration of needing to start over again and again.

Once you become 100% inedible, it’s game over. As a piece of food, do you really want to get dirty so you’re thrown out? Or even worse, start being consumed by mold? So naturally, when traversing the levels, it’s in your best interest to do so without touching things that are inherently gross for food to touch, such as the floor. The game contains more challenges than merely the controls – the main one is making sure you stay edible. Do you go toward the obvious answer that’s set in front of you, or do you explore the level to create your own makeshift toaster? The extremely dark story that you can just as easily dismiss is a great feature of such a seemingly silly game, and finding unique ways of fulfilling your life goal of becoming the perfect piece of cooked bread are what will really drive you. Sure, the game’s point is to become toast in each level by whatever means necessary, but there is a lot to enjoy here. And while controls like this may turn people away from the game, it’d be a shame to not give it a chance. While it gets easier with practice, I can’t say I ever really became proficient. If your bread and butter in games is a steep learning curve in controls, you’ll love controlling a piece of bread. I Am Bread can now be enjoyed on the console of the controller that was used in development.
Yes, the developer that really paved the way for the Simulator genre to take off has recently launched one of their most ridiculous titles on PS4. If that doesn’t do anything to jog your memory, perhaps the name Surgeon Simulator 2013 will help. While they aren’t creating AAA titles, they are a BAFTA nominated/awarded studio. By this point, you probably recognize the name Bossa Studios.